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Systems of Interaction between the First Sedentary Villages in the Near East Exposed Using Agent-Based Modelling of Obsidian Exchange |
Ortega Cobos, David
; Ibáñez, Juan José
; Campos, Daniel
; Khalidi, Lamya
; Méndez López, Vicenç
; Teira, Luís
Systems of Interaction between the First Sedentary Villages in the Near East Exposed Using Agent-Based Modelling of Obsidian Exchange |
Ortega Cobos, David
; Ibáñez, Juan José
; Campos, Daniel
; Khalidi, Lamya
; Méndez López, Vicenç
; Teira, Luís
5 juny 2018 |
Systems of Interaction between the First Sedentary Villages in the Near East Exposed Using Agent-Based Modelling of Obsidian Exchange |
Ortega Cobos, David
; Ibáñez, Juan José
; Campos, Daniel
; Khalidi, Lamya
; Méndez López, Vicenç
; Teira, Luís
2016 |
Systems of Interaction between the First Sedentary Villages in the Near East Exposed Using Agent-Based Modelling of Obsidian Exchange |
Ortega Cobos, David
; Ibáñez Estévez, Juan José
; Campos, Daniel
; Khalidi, Lamya
; Méndez López, Vicenç
; Teira, Luís